The Desire to Grow


Within every successful person whether they are sports people, entrepreneurs or leaders, especially Moral Authority Leaders, they have a perpetual desire to continue to grow themselves. These people are taking deliberate daily activity to expand their knowledge, increase their capacity and to grow themselves so that they can continue to grow their business and to live better lives. And the fact that they are deliberate in their growth and not just letting it happen by default is why they are successful.

For most of the general population growth happens by default, if at all. That is, they don't take any control over what they learn who they learn it from. They allow anybody to advise and guide them, including, friends, family, social media, the news, and a multitude of other sources. Often there is no check on the validity of the information or the source, however they allow this information to dictate their beliefs, emotions and ultimately their decisions. When they do this, more often than not they have less than stella results. To allow such a wide range of sources to influence your life is not intelligent or effective. In most cases this unfettered advice is often contradictory information mostly filled with unnecessarily negativity.

The other major problem with this type of information is that it has very little useful knowledge in it. We sit and listen to stories of murder, car accidents, robberies and wars in foreign lands. None of it of any benefit to us. Nothing that will help us grow. Take this for an example, 300 people you never knew die in a landslide in a country you never heard of? Do you tie your emotions to it? Does your life come to a standstill because you can’t handle such bad news? While the news is not nice, it has nothing to do with you. I have seen weak people become emotionally distraught over the election results of a foreign leader in a country these people will never go to. As leaders we ignore such irrelevant news and only deal with what is important to us, our business and our family.

We are buried beneath the weight of information, which is being confused with knowledge; quantity is being confused with abundance and wealth with happiness.

Tom Waits

A Moral Authority Leader doesn't waste those time with the generalities of the news, social media, or friand and family without prior experience I what they are trying to achieve.  They want specifics. They want information that is relevant to them. They want to associate with people with a track record and learn about their successes and failures. They want to know how to grow their capacity, and how to keep on improving in their own industry.

This is how I live my life. I don't know if care who the president of France is. I don't know the name of the Vice President of the USA. I don't know what the number one song in Australia is. Nor do I know what everyone is watching on TV at the moment. I don't need to know these things. None of these things help me in my business. If I do need to learn them for my business, then I will look them up before hand or ask someone to tell me.

When it comes to person and business growth, leaders yearn for it as much as a drowning person longs for air. They long for quality knowledge. They are also very particular about who they get their information from. They don’t care for the opinions of people who are just ranting on social media just because they want attention. We seek out people with proven success. Remember success leaves clues.

By grow your knowledge, skills and leadership ability, you grow your capacity. The ability to do more. The more you grow the more opportunities you will have to grow.

How to grow.

1. Read. You need to be reading every day. You need to read books on personal growth and leadership. This needs to be a habit. Read books from people with a proven record.

2. Cut out the noise. Turn the tv off. Shut down social media that is just wasting you time. Take control of what is coming into your brain. 

3. Get a mentor. A mentor is someone that has gone the distance and is now willing to walk beside you to help you to achieve greater success. They will share their knowledge and experience so that you can achieve what they achieved even faster. Every successful person in the world has had a mentor/coach to help the grow. 

So be willing to take control and start growing yourself. No one has ever regretted improving themselves and their lives. Become a lifelong learner and see how you can change your life and the life of others around you for the better.

Of course, there is more to success than just that. If you are serious about success, then maybe you should consider getting a mentor for yourself. If mentorship is something you are serios about, then click the this link MENTORSHIP and follow the instructions on the proceeding page. 

Terry Shadwell

Helping people help themselves so that they can lead a greater life. 




Leadership Begins With You